Albert Abraham


BDW:  When did you first become interested in the concept of time travel? Who inspired you?


Albert: From back in my junior and high school days, I’ve always seemed to have an unusual understanding for the concept of time and for the origin of the universe. I also watched every episode of Dr. Who and formulated my own ideas about time travel. After my discovery back in early 2000, that is when my understanding about time formulation, gravity, and light, seemed to have ratcheted into high gear.  I guess you could say that I inspired myself, due to my job causing over 100 percent overtime the first three months of 2000.  When the aircraft was finally delivered, my overtime went to zero and I decided to write a science-fiction story that was centered on a space-time wormhole that has never been conceived, plus to use my new understanding of time formulation and gravity.   


BDW: What were your favorite science fiction books and authors?


Albert: Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” and Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.


BDW:  Why did you decide on the self-publishing route?


Albert:  There is a very long story behind this full answer, so I’ll be brief as possible.  I will say one thing that drove me into the self-publishing business is the fact that you can’t keep something bottled up inside, especially when you know you can’t openly talk about it or reveal it. Hence, I became a science-fiction author. Here is the brief history about the company Blue Comet Books including how and why it came into existence.


In the year 2002, I wrote the Jack Jacobs story. Rutledge Books in Danbury Connecticut accepted my manuscript and I paid a good sum of money for a dust jacket and to get it into book form with an initial run of 1000 books.  Unfortunately, Rutledge went out of business in February of 2003.  


The Rutledge Books president sent me to a book publishing/printing company in New York. I had them print 1000 copies and it was released in April of 2003.  Unfortunately, later in the same year, I found them to be dishonest, and severed my distribution agreement with them.  So in early 2004, I was again without a publisher.  


Soon after Rutledge went out of business, I started writing another story about a 10 year old boy, a story that had nothing to do with time travel.  I finished that story about six months later.  Later in 2003, I went under contract with a literary agency for the Jack Jacobs story, and the 2003 time-frame story, paying the agency a line-edit fee to get them up to commercial fiction. (They told me 2 out of 4 large publishers were interested in the synopsis about the 10 year old boy).  So, I paid the fee and the literary agency began line-editing them.  


In March 2004  the literary agency finished their line-editing and it was time for them to send the edited manuscripts to the big publishers.  At least the stories made it through their front doors.  I won’t mention publisher names, but the first one turned them down in less than a month.  The second publisher took nine months to turn them down.  This ticked me off, so in late November 2004, I  told  the literary  agency that I’d just publish them myself. Whether they took me seriously, I don’t know, but I didn’t care, as I figured at this point that the stories were history as far as any big publisher picking them up.


I went to an attorney in May 2005 after already knowing a name of a book company, filed incorporation papers, trademarks and my new book company was born.  Now I’m the president, secretary, and treasurer, and also as the author, in complete control of my future stories and their destinies—to publish them myself, send them to a small publisher or to a literary agency and try a large publisher again.  


BDW: Do you feel science fiction, in many cases, becomes the science fact of the future?


Albert: In most cases science-fiction becomes science fact, as it is the imagination of the human mind that comes up with the ideas, practical experimentation by scientists eventually proves them.  In the case with a lot of the ideas in my story, some of them won’t be proved for many centuries, and there are a few that will never be proved.  This is because they cannot exist until gravity propulsion and its associated technologies are mastered.      


BDW:  What wisdom do you hope to impart to readers of "Jack  Jacobs and the Doomsday Time Machine?


Albert: That hopefully the story will spark the imagination of those who read it, so that they will understand there is much more out there in the universe to be understood than ever thought possible.  The story was also written to help everyone understand that Albert Einstein was correct in his statement, “God doesn’t roll dice”, and that everything has an order.  The key is coming to understand it.


Send $22.99 for a sample copy of Jake Jacobs and the Doomsday Time Machine” to Blue Comet Books, P.O. Box 17224, Wichita, KS 67217, or phone 1-888-729-9996 to order or to request more information. Dealer and wholesale orders are invited. If you would like to contact Albert Abraham, you can send him an e-mail at



