Susan Apollon


Albert Einstein once said of miracles, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Susan Apollon agrees, and sees miracles everywhere, every day. She explains, “Miracles are a shift in perspective. When experiences happen in our lives---events, synchronicities, signs--we can either choose to see that as an indication of our connection with something greater, or not. That decision is based on who we are and what we’re ready to allow in.”


Susan’s incredible new book, Touched By the Extraordinary: An Intuitive Psychologist Shares Insights, Lessons and True Stories of Spirit and Love to Transform and Heal the Soul” compiles and analyzes years of metaphysical research and highlights story upon story of real-life occurrences that can be defined only as the stuff of miracles. As you read through the fascinating tales, you are bound to have more than one moment when you realize, “Yes, this happened to me.”


“Being intuitive,” says Apollon, “is really listening to your higher self, it’s the ability to pick up energy, positive and negative. “ When you connect with this energy, you make better decisions, have more self-esteem and confidence, and just feel better. Anyone can learn how to use this deep sense of knowing.


or close to 20 years, Susan Apollon has worked as a psychotherapist, psychologist and healer, treating children and adults who are traumatized, diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses, dealing with death and dying and those who are grieving. She brings to her patients a gentle blend of warmth, compassion and wisdom gained from surviving her own illnesses and losses, her expertise and training, and finally her own intuitive development. Coming from a family of physicians, Susan’s intent is to heal emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. She guides her patients to live life in joy and peace. “Intention is everything,” she often tells her patients. “With love, clear intent, choice, transformation, healing, and very often, spiritual awakening, become our reality.” and when this occurs, everything feels wonderful.”


In this new book, Susan begins with defining what is meant by extraordinary. She then goes on to deal with the metaphysical aspects and psychological elements involving dreams, visions, encounters with the senses of the body, intuitive wisdom, automatic writing, precognition, near-death experiences, psychic energy, and much more.  She does this in an easy to read manner that is filled with personal experiences from ordinary people illustrating the metaphysical, the paranormal and the spiritual. It will make a believer of most readers.


Here is what others have said about Susan Apollon’s “Touched By The Extraordinary”....


“Touched by the Extraordinary” gives us all the chance to share this experience and the wisdom it provides, as it helps us to understand,” Dr. Bernie Siegel, MD, author of “Help Me to Heal.”


“Susan’s book renews, re-establishes, and most importantly, re-spiritualizes our lives. Without her understanding of a greater spiritual world, I would still be drowning in darkness and despair.” Sandra Esner, President of Angels Without Wings.


“Touched By the Extraordinary” is a gift of love and wisdom from Susan for all who are seeking spiritual understandings. It can change your life.” Melvin Morse, MD, Near-Death Researcher and author of “Closer to the Light.”


To order or get more information about “Touched By the extraordinary,” write to Matters of the Soul, LLC, PO Box 403, Yardley PA 19067 or visit online at You can also order by calling 1-888-768-8353. Wholesale and dealer inquiries are invited.



