Karl W. Palachuk
Relax Focus Succeed

In this day and age of multi-tasking, trying to do twenty things at once, and attempting to succeed at everything every time, Karl W. Palachuk has come up with a refreshing new book, “Relax Focus Succeed” that cuts through all the clutter and stress and helps readers gain a real perspective on what the experience of life should really be.

Learning to do one thing at a time can actually be fun. We do not need electronic devices that serve as phones, CD players, cameras, computers, movie  theaters, etc. I, for one, prefer a phone that does one thing, call. And, I always feel right in the moment if I am enjoying a delicious dinner, watching a favorite movie, or reading an uplifting book.

Karl Palachuk actually leads two lives. One, as a business owner for three companies in Sacramento, California, and the other as a trainer in the philosophy of Relax Focus Succeed® as well as business consulting and technical training. He has been lucky enough to experience both feast and famine, and has made some excellent decisions as well as horrible mistakes.

“I’ve been blessed with good luck, a willingness to work hard, some sense of what my customers want, and a very loving and supportive family,” reveals Karl.

He loves to read and considers himself a restless soul. When Karl’s wife finds something new, she dives into it with great passion.

Karl says, “Sometimes my wife convinces me to try new things. And so I discover new aspects of myself and am forced to consider new dimensions in my never-ending desire to achieve balance among the many aspects of my life.”

Let’s take a look at the individual elements behind the Relax, Focus, Succeed Approach. First, without relaxation and balance, work cannot be successful. Sometimes you need to give yourself the gift of enjoying your life. When you do this, you achieve clarity, and this leads to focus.

Focus is the driving force in everything we do. If you focus on your children, you will be an excellent parent; if you focus on money, you will attain wealth; if you focus on being a better person, you will actually become one.

With balance, you are able to bring all the competing elements into your life.

The unspoken element in this equation is Hard Work. Unsuccessful people think they can attain their goals without working. They believe they can get rich quick, read a book and straighten out their relationships in an afternoon, or lose weight by taking a sugar pill.

The final element, Success is not just money. It is attaining your goals. Money is often a means of attaining these goals and helps us to take vacations, buy toys, enjoy our hobbies, take time for ourselves, contribute to our communities and reach our goals.

“Relax Focus Succeed” will give you all the tools you need to examine your life now, where you have been, where you are now, and where you plan to go in the future. It does not contain any magic pills. There is work to be done. But the work is enjoyable and will lead you to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Ben Gay III, Sales Trainer and Coach has said, “We all dream. Karl shows us how to dream elaborately. We all set goals. Karl shows us how to set goals that make our lives more fulfilling.”

To order a copy of “Relax Focus Succeed,” send $29.95 to Great Little Book Publishing Co. Inc., PMB 345, 2121 Natomas Crossing Drive #200, Sacramento, CA 95834. Dealer inquiries are invited. Karl also does group seminars. Be sure to visit Karl’s informative web site where you can sign up for free newsletters, download a sample chapter, and much more at  http://www.RelaxFocusSucceed.com