Idalah D. Womack
“College: How To Get
There and Go Free!”

Author Ida Womack was the first person in her family to attend college. To supplement her scholarship, she became the campus night operator. Many high school students called and asked for college assistance because guidance counselors had told them there was no financial aid available for them. After seeing grant sources on bulletin boards, she started compiling them.

She wrote 118 letters to grantors and they responded with applications. Inspired by the questions from the teenagers seeking help, she wrote "College: How to Get There and Go Free"

The book contains a huge collection of ideas, suggestions and tips that will benefit anyone who is planning to go to college and has the drive to investigate areas of financial assistance.

It’s primary focus is to help readers secure financial assistance for higher education, but it also includes application guidelines for grants and scholarships with a helpful analysis of the criteria that potential grantors use to evaluate candidates. This will help students to sort out the grants that they are qualified for while not wasting time on those they have no chance of receiving. Author Womack also gives readers valuable tips on writing successful application letters.

Here are examples of many of the scholarships that are available:

The Kosciusko Foundation offers educational grants to Polish Americans; The Epilepsy Foundation of America offers scholarships to Social Work majors who are undergraduates and do research relating to epilepsy; the National Society of Public Accountants Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships to students majoring in accounting, and there are lots more.

Here’s what readers have said about this eye-opening book:

"This book should be in every high school in the nation," A.S. Life Science Teacher

"I am a secretary. The way this is explained, I am encouraged to go to college,"  M Schrapp

"Everyone planning to go to college should take advantage of the many tips you have in this book," R. Brown, College Professor

"Ms. Womack is certainly the authority on alternatives to government financial aid for college," K. Cadigan, University Financial Aid Officer

To get a copy of “College: How To Get There and Go Free!” send $19.99 plus $3.99 P&H to Infinity Publishing 1094 New Dehaven Street, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2713 Phone: 610-941-9999, Fax: 610-941-9959. Dealer inquiries are invited. If you have any college-related questions, please e-mail Idalah at